Project-based donations differ from the support provided to young people by the Yücel Culture Foundation in that they are donations provided by donors for projects focused on a specific topic. The entire donation (100%) is used entirely for the relevant project.

How the System Works

a. Project Owners: They submit a feasibility report to the relevant department of the foundation, explaining their projects, objectives, costs, and timelines.

b. The Foundation: The foundation publishes these projects to find supporters (donors). If the support found is insufficient, the remaining amount may be covered by the foundation based on the board's decision. A contract is signed between the supporter, the project owner, and the foundation. For large projects (projects involving multiple people and stages), the foundation appoints experts to verify the conformity of the completed stages to the project.

c. Donor: The donor can request a contract for their support. They may ask for their name and title to be published during the project. For research-based projects, they may request naming rights or other recognitions in return for their support.

Projects: Projects can include a wide range of topics such as research, artistic, social, cultural, or scientific issues. Some projects may include topics supported by the European Union or local governments. Typically, such projects seek a non-profit organization (foundation), local government support, and an international project partner. The foundation can take your projects further.

With the approval of our Board of Directors, our foundation always encourages the support of young people's projects.

You can make project-based donations in Turkish Lira.

Supported Projects:

Bozcaada International Festival of Ecological Documentary (BIFED)
Genç Sayfa

YKV Content:1557