General Provisions

Article 1

The purpose of these scholarshıps is to provide assistance to students to help them organize their social, and cultural life, and to aid in interpersonal communication.


a) The Foundation Board of Directors awards scholarships to a determined number of needy students in deemed appropriate amount and type. These students are chosen among needy, successful students who embody the principles of Atatürk's secular Republic and their conditions are pursued.

b) If the Foundation Charter Members wish they can recommend maximum 2 needy students to donate half of the amount outright which is paid for higher education scholarships. Complete scholarships are awarded to these students for one year by means other half is paid from the Foundation.

 Article 3

The Foundation Board Directors will determine grant deadlines and required documentation according to the scholarship types.

Article 4

Other activities the Foundation deems necessary to promote scholarship applications may be conducted through the media. 


Scholarship applications are disregarded if they are not submitted during the application period determined by the Board of Directors of the Yücel Cultural Foundation, or in case of an incomplete application or erroneous information.

 Article 6

The Board of Directors requires the proof of academic success of the recipients and issues permissions of continuation of scholarship for the successful students. The scholarships are interrupted when the students do not provide the proof of academic success or are found as ineligible for the continuation of their scholarship. 

Article 7

The Foundation will keep a seperate file for each scholarship recipient in a full and complete manner. 

 Article 8 

The Board may request additional information from schools, parents, and other sources as necessary.

The documents that were submitted to our Foundation for the purpose of applying for the scholarship won't be given back to applicants who don't request their documents within 15 days of the announcement of scholarship results.

 Article 9

In order to share more closely with scholarship holders and to increase the artistic, and cultural exchange among themselves, and among younger scholars and students, scholarships participants are encouraged to share their experiences with others by the Foundation via programs and environments.

Article 10

Parents and learning institutions of students receiving scholarships will be notified of acceptance.

Scholarship Application Qualifications

Article 11 

a. Higher Education Scholarships (Half Apple) (for Undergraduate Students)

Scholarships, half of which are provided by the foundation and the other half by scholarship giver.

1. Turkish citizenship
2. Diffcult family living conditions, low income, orphaned.
3. Student be successful in school. 
4. No criminal record. 
5. Students must agree with the unitary structure of the principles of the Turkish Republic, and not engage in any religious, political or seperatist activities. 
6. Student should possess abilities, skills and knowledge useful to others.
7. Scholarships received from other sources must be minimal. 

b. Middle School Scholarships

These scholarships are not individual grants, but are designated for groups and school group projects.

1. Project details.
2. Duration, benefits, required tools, and number of participants. 
3. The project organizer must inform the Foundation of participating support agents and project duration. 
4. Total financial portrait: The total amount requested from the Foundation for the entire project, must be made by mail, internet, or by hand delivery. 
5. Certification from the school director for all liability.
6. Bank account number.

c. Research, Post-Graduate and Doctoral Scholarships

1. A feasibility report on the project from the part of the researcher or the research group.
2. A cover letter for the bachelor and doctoral students explaining their detailed academic background, achievements and expectations.
3. Turkish nationality.
4. The family should have demonstrable economic difficulties in educating the student by its living conditions and monthly income.
5. Academic merit.
6. Student should have not committed infamous crime or not imprisoned for any crime.
7. Obedience to the foundation's official memorandum and not taking part in any political, religious or other disintegrating activities harming the unitary structure of the Republic of Turkey.
8. Possession of useful qualities and competences to the other young people in the foundation, as well as to his/her country.
9. If the student receives economic support from a different institution, this should be insufficient.

d. Students with Exceptional Abilities

1. Researchers must provide a feasibility study.
2. Turkish citizenship.
3. Diffcult family living conditions, low income, orphaned.
4. Student be successful in school. 
5. No criminal record.
6. Students must agree with the unitary structure of the principles of the Turkish Republic, and not engage in any religious, political or seperatist activities. 
7. Student should possess abilities, skills and knowledge usefull to others.
8. Scholarships received from other sources must be minimal. 
9. The Foundation may request expert opinions from outside sources to confirm their decisions regarding these scholarships.

e. Foreign Language Scholarships

1. Academic merit.
2. Obedience to the foundation's official memorandum and not taking part in any political, religious or other disintegrating activities harming the unitary structure of the Republic of Turkey.
3. Possession of useful qualities and competences to the other young people in the foundation, as well as to his/her country.
4. Not receiving a language scholarship from a different institution.
5. Participation to the language level testing and being in agreement with the language institute.
6. Providing a proof as a guarantee of returning the scholarship in case of 60% and above absence during the course-time. 

Reasons for Terminating Scholarships

The Termination of the Scholarship

Article 12

a. At schools with the course evaluation system, failures of 3 or more courses result in the termination of the scholarship;
b. At schools with yearly evaluation system, obligation to repeat the same academic year results in the termination of the scholarship;
c. The cease of student's need of scholarship results in the termination of the scholarship;
d. The graduation results in the termination of the scholarship;
e. The termination of the scholarship takes place when a student loses his/her compatibility with the official memorandum of the foundation or the scholarship regulations;
f. A reasoned written communication is prepared by the Selection Committee determining which students scholarship should be terminated and presented to the Board of Directors. This latter takes the decision to terminate the scholarship
g. Students' future applications whose scholarships have been terminated are not examined by the selection committee;
h. In the case of the termination of the project or the lack of feasibility, the project-based scholarships are terminated;
i. The case of erroneous information or non-communication of the changing circumstances the scholarship is terminated; 
j. In case of the punishment of the student with abduction by the school that (s)he is the student of or behaving inappropriately in or outside school with the student solemnity;
k. Student's involvement with the political activities;
l.Scholarships are ceased for students who fail to provide the necessary documents at the end of each semester. These documents should be sent twice per year, at the end of semester. During yearly evaluations, scholarships are ceased for students that are negatively evaluated.
m. The scholarship is terminated when the recipients interrupt their education. They can reapply when they restart with their studies and may receive scholarship if selected.
n. When the recipients of the language scholarship fail and are often absent, their scholarships are terminated without a decision taken by the part of the Board of Directors.
o. For those who submit their information for scholarship application should post or hand in their original documents in 15 days. If applicants’ declaration do not match with the original documents or in the case that no information about applicant’s Bank account number, Yücel Cultural Foundation has the right to end the scholarship before starting without the need the decision of Board directors. Yücel Cultural Foundation has the right to transfer the donator to the next scholarship holder.

Selection Committee

Article 13

a. The Board of Directors determines a selection committee of 3 persons among its members for the scholarships and aids described in this regulation. This committee identifies the scholarship recipients in lines with this regulation and the rules determined by the Board of Directors and then, presents it to the Board of Directors' approbation.
b. The Selection Committee determines the recipients and the termination of the scholarship via voting and discussion and if this process results in equality of the votes then the issue is resolved via the decision taken by the Board of Directors. 


Article 14

a. All types of scholarships and grants are conducted by the Foundation Board. The Foundation Board takes decision concerning the types and amounts of the scholarships at least one month before the opening of the school term and determine the selection committee.
b.Students can submit their scholarship application from online platform or hand in their documents. From 2016, applications for foreign language and necessity scholarships by undergraduate students should be from Yücel Cultural Foundation’s online web platform. For those who are chosen for scholarship should submit the original documents to the foundation that settled by Board directors.
c. Applicants will present all necesary documentation, after which students will be requested to present themselves to the Selection Committee for a personal interview.
d. After the Board approves the recommendations of the Selection Committee the scholarships will be awarded. 
e. Scholarship regulations will be communicated to, and signed by each scholarship recipient. 


Article 15

These regulations become effective May 9, 2017, and superceed former regulations dated: November 3, 2004. 


These regulations are carried out by Yücel Cultural Foundation Board of Directors.

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